Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have recently been struck with the want for something new, and something that I can use to make money. I thought for a while about signing up to be some sort of consultant to sell things, but the problem with that for me is that I have to 100% believe in a product to be able to convincingly sell it, and still I am neutral. Always neutral. My family calls me Switzerland sometimes because I refuse to take sides ever on any debate.

Anyway I got a tad off subject. I have had this item on my wish list for a while, a Silhouette Cameo die cutting machine. I know that sounds kind of lame... and what would I do with a die cutting machine? There are PLENTY of fabulous projects I could do if I had the right tools (cue Silhouette Cameo). I mean I was saving to get an iMac, and then the Silhouette, but now I know that I need to get the Silhouette ASAP.

If anyone knows of any deals I can get with this machine, let me know!




Anonymous said...

Oh shoot I was looking forward to stripe shots. Has she done them yet?

Unknown said...

i think so, at least one wall. all i assisted with was taping the stripes (which i forgot to photograph).