Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'd like to thank the Academy

For boring helping me sift through good, bad, great, and awful movies over the years. Now you may not know this about me, but I am a big movie snob. I don't like watching movies unless it's a movie i really, really, really want to see. For instance right now I am dying for The Lorax (March 2nd) and The Hunger Games (March 23rd) to come out. Bee tee dubs... remind me in the future to blog about how much I love The Lorax.

Tonight, is the Oscars aka Academy Awards... I'm pretty sure it took me a good twelve years of my life to understand they were the same thing. But anyway, I digress. My family has always been big fans of award shows, my mother also enjoys the occasional pageant, just none of this Toddlers and Tiaras nonsense. The Oscars typically fall around the beginning of March, as does my Father's birthday (March 5th), that will be pertinent information in just a minute. We always like to have little award show parties whenever one comes on. One year my Father's birthday happened to fall on the night of the Oscars, so while he was taking his Sunday afternoon nap (everyone has those, right?), my Mother and myself got to decorating. We put down a strip of red felt from the room to the kitchen for the red carpet. We made up swag bags full of goodies for all of us, and the pièce de résistance was the Ken doll that I spray painted gold.

This year is no different. We will be having our annual Oscar party. I think for the treats this year we are having some burger sliders, boneless hot wings, and my white chocolate covered crispie rice treats. Should be quite delicious.

There is one difference this year, however. I have actually been attempting to watch some of the movies that were nominated that I wouldn't have wanted to see being the movie snob that I am. Last night we watched Midnight in Paris. Before starting the movie my Father had me play the preview for the movie so he would know what he was getting himself into and pretty much as soon as the preview said it was a Woody Allen movie he cast judgement. In the end he was pleasantly surprised I think. It was a bit of a bizarre movie though, but I also thought it was cool. I would definitely recommend it. I don't think it will be taking home best picture though, especially since it is up against The Help and The Artist. Speaking of The Artist, I would give my arms to see that movie. It looks so good, and I have heard great things about it.

 I hope that the awards will be good this year! Can't wait to see my favorite stars all dressed up in their fabulous evening wear!



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